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Entered into force
Biological Weapons ConventionParty10 Apr 19727 Aug 19757 Aug 1975
Cartagena ProtocolParty26 May 200028 Aug 200211 Sep 2003
CITESParty6 Aug 19774 Nov 1977
Convention on Biological DiversityParty13 Jun 199220 Nov 199518 Feb 1996
Geneva ProtocolParty17 Jun 19255 Oct 19905 Oct 1990
International Health RegulationsParty15 Jun 2007
Nagoya ProtocolParty12 Jun 202010 Sep 2020
Paris AgreementParty23 Oct 201722 Nov 2017
TRIPS AgreementParty25 Jan 201023 Jan 2017
World Health OrganizationParty22 Jul 194624 Apr 195024 Apr 1950
World Organization for Animal HealthParty8 Feb 20018 Feb 2001
World Trade OrganizationParty15 Apr 19944 Aug 19953 Sep 1995

The state has accepted, approved, ratified, or is otherwise party to the agreement, indicating consent to be bound to the agreement.

The state has signed, but not yet ratified or become an official party to the agreement. Where the signature is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, the signature does not establish the consent to be bound. However, it is a means of authentication and expresses the willingness of the signatory state to continue the treaty-making process. The signature qualifies the signatory state to proceed to ratification, acceptance or approval. It also creates an obligation to refrain, in good faith, from acts that would defeat the object and the purpose of the agreement.

The state has not taken any actions with regard to the agreement.

Associate member
The state may have requirements for some of the statutory or non statutory aspects of an agreement, but would not confer all of the obligations of the agreement on the member. Associate members may not have voting rights.

The state is non-party to an agreement, but has the ability to attend meetings or other discussions, and otherwise participate in activities. Observers may be granted permission to speak at formal meetings.